2019 Annual Conference Presentations

The City Engineers Association of Minnesota held the 2019 Annual Conference, January 30-February 1, 2019, at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Park. The conference offered a terrific opportunity for you to stay informed on current topics of interest and to maintain continuing education. But just as important, it provided an excellent forum for the best social networking of all -- the face-to-face connection with your peers and colleagues.

If available, presentations from the CEAM 2019 Annual Conference are posted below.

1. Download the CEAM 2019 Annual Conference Brochure (pdf)

2. Minnesota’s Ever-Changing Demographics
Moderator: John Gorder, City of Eagan
Susan Brower, Minnesota Department of Administration
Session summary: The past two decades have meant big changes for Minnesota. The next two decades will bring even greater changes. Minnesota State Demographer Susan Brower will talk about how the people of Minnesota are changing and will describe what to expect in the future. She will also provide information on Minnesota’s aging trend and discuss impacts and implications in the areas of health, disability, volunteerism, the state budget, the future labor force, and beyond.
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3. Neighborhood Traffic Control
Moderator: Marc Culver, City of Roseville
Mark Ray, City of Crystal; Bryant Ficek, Spack Consulting; Tony Kutzke, City of Woodbury
Session summary: This session will present recent research results on stop sign compliance and the effectiveness of 25 mph and 30 mph posted speed limits. It will also review the recently released guidebook Addressing Citizen Requests for Traffic Safety Concerns, which is the result of Local Road Research Board (LRRB) project. This guidebook specifically focuses on the importance of communication, logging requests, steps for following up on a request, standard responses, and an explanation of why a requested strategy may or may not be the appropriate solution.
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4. Groundwater/Surface Water Interactive Modeling
Moderator: Dave Sonnenberg, Stantec
Alisa McCulloch, Stantec Consulting Group, Inc.; Evan Christianson, Barr Engineering Company, Inc.
Session summary: Presentation and discussion of different modeling approaches to create an interactive groundwater/ surface water model.
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5. Bike Facilities in Minnesota: User Types, Planning, and Case Studies
Moderator: Dan Coyle, Kimley-Horn and Associates
Marcus Bush, Metropolitan Council; Deb Heiser, City of St. Louis Park; Reuben Collins, City of St. Paul
Session summary: This session will look at the state of bike facility design in Minnesota, including user types, planning, and case studies. We will start with information about the variety of bicycle user types and which types of bicycle facilities are appropriate for each user type. We will discuss bicycle facility planning and the specific experiences St. Louis Park has had over the last ten years, including the use of “level of street” indicators to help prioritize bike facility investments. We will end with bicycle facility implementation and operation best practices and case studies from experiences in St. Paul.
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6. PFCs 101 and the State of Minnesota: 3M Settlement
Moderator: Jack Griffin, Focus Engineering, Inc.
Kirk Koudelka, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Jim Kelly, Minnesota Department of Health; Ward Swanson, Barr Engineering Company, Inc.
Session summary: On Feb. 20, 2018, the State of Minnesota settled its lawsuit against the 3M Company in return for a grant of $850 million. Minnesota’s attorney general sued 3M in 2010 alleging the company’s production of chemicals known as PFCs (perfluorochemicals) had damaged drinking water and natural resources in the southeast Twin Cities metro area. After legal and other expenses are paid, about $720 million will be invested in drinking water and natural resource projects in the Twin Cities east metropolitan region. This session includes a panel of speakers who will explain the basics of PFCs, discuss the findings of the state’s extensive investigations over the past decade, and discuss how the grant funding may be used to address these issues.
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7. To Dig or Not To Dig, That Is the Question
Moderator: Jim Studenski, TKDA
Paul Pasko, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc.; John Schmeling, City of Burnsville; Jesse Freihammer, City of Roseville
Session summary: Major sewer or water main breaks under interstates, trunk highways, and city streets are a huge concern. Have you wondered about the condition of the pipes in your city? The City of Burnsville is estimating remaining water main wall thicknesses at major road crossings using an Acoustic Velocity Testing tool and using this data to make major capital water main rehabilitation decisions. A 2018 street project offered an opportunity to validate this wall thickness data therefore improving the use of this tool. This data is now being used to research options, including no-dig methods of pipe rehabilitation, especially where closing or detouring traffic are not likely options. Sanitary sewer lining using cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) is a technology that many cities have utilized to rehabilitate aging utilities. The City of Roseville will discuss its large-scale use of CIPP for its sanitary sewer system over the last ten years, the benefits of CIPP to agencies, and how to develop CIPP plans and utilize current technology to maximize cost savings. The City will also discuss ongoing city-wide flow monitoring to track and evaluate the effectiveness of using CIPP in reducing infiltration.
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8. Update on the Emergence of Connected and Automated Vehicles
Moderator: Jenn Edison, WSB & Associates, Inc.
Jay Hietpas, Minnesota Department of Transportation; Schane Rudlang, City of Bloomington; Jon Wertjes, City of Minneapolis
Session summary: We have all heard the buzz about connected and autonomous vehicles, but what is the current update for how this will affect the development and management of Minnesota cities? MnDOT is in the process of completing a statewide strategic plan to provide vision and policy for connected and autonomous vehicles. An executive order was due for the governor’s signature in late 2018 that will determine the policy for autonomous vehicles in the near future. This session will give an update on MnDOT’s current plan along with highlighting any implications for cities moving forward. In addition, information will be given from metropolitan cities that are planning ahead for these changes in mobility.
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9. LRRB Update
Moderator: Matt Hansen, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Renae Kuehl, SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Session summary: Presentation includes update on topics currently being studied by the Local Road Research Board of interest to City Engineers.
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10. One Watershed, One Plan & Watershed-based Funding
Moderator: Steve Dodge, City of Inver Grove Heights
Kevin Bigalke, Board of Water & Soil Resources
Session summary: Minnesota has a long history of water management by local government. One Watershed, One Plan is rooted in that history and the work initiated by the Local Government Water Roundtable (Association of Minnesota County, Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts, and the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts) in 2011, which recommended that the local governments charged with water management responsibility should organize and develop focused, comprehensive watershed management and implementation plans on a watershed scale. In 2014 the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) funded five pilot areas to develop One Watershed, One Plan and test this comprehensive watershed management concept. Following the recommendation of the Local Government Water Roundtable, One Watershed, One Plan was signed into law by Governor Dayton in 2015. BWSR also developed a watershed-based funding pilot program, launched in 2018, aimed at providing more systematic Clean Water Funding for local water management authorities on a watershed basis. The watershed-based funding model is intended to provide local governments throughout Minnesota with efficient, transparent, and stable funding. BWSR envisions transitioning from project-by-project competitive grants to a coordinated watershed-funding approach designed to increase water management outcomes, enhance accountability, and improve consistency and efficiency across the state. This presentation will provide information on the One Watershed, One Plan program as well on the watershed-based funding pilot program, lessons learned, successes, and the future direction of the programs.
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11. Extreme Storms
Moderator: Tom Mathisen, CEAM Lifetime Member
Mark Seeley, University of Minnesota; Randy Neprash, Stantec & Minnesota Cities Stormwater Coalition; Cindy Voight, City of Duluth
Session summary: Hardly a week goes by without news of an unprecedented extreme storm event somewhere. In the US, rainfall events of 10 to 12 inches are now common-place. Using NOAA Atlas 14 for flood frequency analysis and design parameters is being called into question. The ClausiusClapeyron relationship states that the air holds 7 percent more moisture per 1°C of warming. What does the future hold for what are ever-increasing extreme events? Why is this happening, what are some examples of such events, and how should engineers and governmental entities plan for these events that are now the new normal? Dr. Mark Seeley, retired State Climatologist, will discuss the first of these three questions. Dr. Seeley has spoken on climate change at the CEAM conference in the past but will now zero in on extreme events and what the future holds. Cindy Voight, Duluth City Engineer, will present a refresher on the June 2012 mega-storm and the steps the city has taken to prepare for the future. Randy Neprash, Stantec stormwater specialist, will present thoughts on our approach to planning and design that will make our infrastructure more resilient in the face of continued extreme storms.
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