2019 Annual Conference Presentations
The City Engineers Association of Minnesota held the 2019 Annual Conference, January 30-February 1, 2019, at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Park. The conference offered a terrific opportunity for you to stay informed on current topics of interest and to maintain continuing education. But just as important, it provided an excellent forum for the best social networking of all -- the face-to-face connection with your peers and colleagues. If available, presentations from the CEAM 2019 Annual Conference are posted below. 1. Download the CEAM 2019 Annual Conference Brochure (pdf) 2. Minnesota’s Ever-Changing Demographics 3. Neighborhood Traffic Control 4. Groundwater/Surface Water Interactive Modeling 5. Bike Facilities in Minnesota: User Types, Planning, and Case Studies 6. PFCs 101 and the State of Minnesota: 3M Settlement 7. To Dig or Not To Dig, That Is the Question 8. Update on the Emergence of Connected and Automated Vehicles 9. LRRB Update 10. One Watershed, One Plan & Watershed-based Funding 11. Extreme Storms |